Mutual Learning Framework
The Mutual Learning Framework is aimed at promoting a direct exchange of knowledge and expertise between the four cities that are part of ARCH’s Consortium - the Foundation Cities (Bratislava, Slovakia; Camerino, Italy; Hamburg, Germany; and Valencia, Spain) - and a larger group of selected European cities, called the Keystone Cities, interested in increasing the resilience of their historical areas. This knowledge exchange is based on mutual learning approaches, where both city groups (Foundation and Keystone) act at the same time as mentors and mentees.
One of the main activities of this program are the Mutual Learning Workshops (MLW), consisting of a mixture of plenary discussions (with all Foundation and Keystone cities together) and breakout sessions (in city clusters). Drawing on the activities and discussions in each session, the keystone cities will be asked to contextualise and deepen specific topics (e.g. the connections between historical areas and climate change).

The city clusters are as follows, with Foundation Cities in bold and the Keystone Cities with which they have been partnered listed below:
Bratislava, Slovakia
Cannes, France
Warsaw, Poland
Zadar, Croatia
Camerino, Italy
Appignano del Tronto, Italy
Rhodes (Dodecanese), Greece
Maribor, Slovenia
Hamburg, Germany
Liverpool, UK
Regensburg, Germany
Thessaloniki, Greece
Valencia, Spain
Alba, Italy
Augsburg, Germany
Zaragoza, Spain