ARCH Tools
The ARCH HUB is a resilience knowledge base that supports practitioners from municipal administrations, service providers, policy makers, and other local and regional actors with resilience building at the cross section of disaster risk management, climate change adaptation, and heritage management.
You can navigate to all of the ARCH tools through the HUB, or directly below:
Resilience Assessment Dashboard
The Resilience Assessment Dashboard (RAD) is an online self-assessment tool in the form of a questionnaire covering various aspects of resilience including climate change adaptation, disaster risk management, and heritage management.
Resilience Measures Inventory
The Resilience Measure Inventory (RMI) is a collection of measures to build local heritage resilience, both for urban built heritage and agricultural heritage.
Historic Area Information System
The Historic Areas Information System (HArIS) is a web-based geo-information system for archiving the properties of the heritage and the characteristics of the historical area as a whole interacting with the surrounding urban and natural systems
Threats and Hazards Information System
The Threats and Hazard information System (THIS) is a web-based geo-information system used to "combine" data from different sources to obtain measurable indicators useful for characterising the hazards that potentially affect a historical area.
Resilience Pathway Visualization Tool
The ARCH Resilience Pathway Visualization Tool (RPVT) is a web-based tool to create graphical displays of resilience pathways. It also assists on the prioritization and planning of resilience measures. The tool is based on the ARCH Resilience Measures Inventory (RMI) and the Resilience Pathway Handbook can support the user in this process.
Decision Support System
The ARCH Decision support system ARCH DSS is a collection of risk evaluation dashboards that use the information provided by HArIS and THIS for indicator-based vulnerability and risk assessments of historic areas under different hazard scenarios (historic, future, and artificial).